Breath to Motion Yoga
Breath to Motion Yoga
Alison Gurevich

Welcome to Breath to Motion Yoga

A place to find connection and fun ways to explore yoga in a modern life.

About This Space

Welcome! My name is Alison Gurevich and this our space to explore yoga in all the ways that might not fit into a typically 60-minute studio yoga class.  In this space there are offerings of all sizes, from the (totally free) small practices collection for days you may need a little boost on the journey to longer practices in a full range of yoga styles in the full membership.  If you are looking for a deeper dive, many months I also explore further explorations along the ideas and philosphy of yoga beyond the physical shapes in the Breath to Motion Membership.  This is an evolving space anchored by me, my love of all the yoga, and my desire to guide people to connect more deeply to their personal yoga practice.